The Department of Justice is seeking Expressions of Interest for assignment to the International Protection Panel and Repatriation Panel.

To enable the International Protection Office (IPO) and Repatriation Division of Immigration Service Delivery (ISD) to carry out their functions to optimum effect and to assist in the reduction of caseloads, suitably qualified candidates are being sought for assignment to the IPO and Repatriation Panels.

The functions of members of the IPO Panel can include: 

  • undertaking functions under the EU Dublin III Regulation
  • carrying out interviews with applicants for international protection under the International Protection Act, 2015 as amended, and undertaking specified follow up functions in this regard;
  • examining documentation and producing a reasoned, balanced and legally robust draft report/submission to an officer of the Minister on cases to be considered under, inter alia, the following elements of the International Protection Act 2015, Immigration Act 1999 and other relevant legislation
    • Permission to remain
    • Permission to remain review
    • Subsequent application
    • Prohibition of refoulement;
  • representing the Minister via the International Protection Office at appeal hearings in respect of applications for international protection, subsidiary protection and transfer decisions under the EU Dublin III Regulation at the International Protection Appeals Tribunal.

The functions of members of the Repatriation Panel can include: 

  • consideration of cases falling under Section 3 of the Immigration Act, notably Sections 3(6) and 3(11), and the European Communities (Free Movement of Persons) Regulations 2015.

Please see IPO Panel Member Application for further information, including Panel Member Information Booklet, application form and FAQs.

Completed application forms should be sent by email only to [email protected]. Please read “Panel Member Information Booklet 2024” before applying.  There is currently no closing date for submitting an application however the IPO/ ISD may introduce a closing date at a later stage, if necessary.