Scorecard approach being introduced for Citizenship Applications from January 2022
Significant changes are being introduced for customers regarding the number of proofs required to establish their identity and residency as part of the Citizenship application [...]
New Passport Process for Citizenship from the 1st January 2022
From 1 January 2022, new applicants for citizenship will not be required to submit their original passport with the initial application. Instead, they can provide [...]
Citizenship Ceremony Postponed
The citizenship ceremony scheduled to be held in the INEC in Killarney on December 13th 2021 is now postponed. All candidates scheduled to attend at [...]
Single Person Committee of Inquiry set up to review refusals of Irish Citizenship where National Security concerns arise
A Single Person Committee of Inquiry has been established where people, whose application for a naturalisation certificate (also known as Citizenship) was refused, in [...]
Minister McEntee opens temporary process for granting citizenship during COVID-19
The Minister for Justice, Helen McEntee TD, has today announced that a temporary system is in place that will enable citizenship applicants to complete [...]
Notice regarding sending a passport with your New Citizenship application
To help us to prioritise the processing of citizenship applications over the summer months, applicants are asked not to submit applications and accompanying passports [...]
Introduction of eVetting for Citizenship applicants
As part of our commitment to increased digitalisation, the Citizenship Division has introduced eVetting as part of the application process. This eVetting process will [...]
Emergency Return Of Passports – Update
As per earlier communications, applicants are asked not to submit passports/application forms, this still remains the case. The vast bulk of Citizenship staff are [...]
eTax Clearance
As and from the 23rd November 2020 all adult applicants for a certificate of naturalisation are required to have an up to date tax clearance [...]
Applications Approved and Citizenship Ceremony
COVID-19 has unfortunately prevented the holding of our large scale citizenship ceremonies which is impacting the processing of applications. As a solution on an interim [...]
Citizenship Ceremonies Update
The pilot virtual Citizenship Ceremony that took place on 10 July 2020, involved 21 applicants. A review of the pilot is underway and consideration [...]
Minister McEntee hosts Virtual Citizenship Ceremony
On Friday 10th July, 2020, the Minister for Justice & Equality, Helen McEntee TD, hosted one of the world’s first virtual citizenship ceremonies. This [...]