In This Section
This page details the Immigration arrangements for any person seeking to arrive at an unapproved port from outside of Ireland. A list of approved ports is set out on this page.
In accordance with Section 6(1) of the Immigration Act 2004, a non-national* (other than a seaman) arriving by air or sea from outside of the State at an unapproved port requires permission from the Minister for Justice.
For any unapproved port in the Dublin Area, permission should be sought through the Border Management Unit at Dublin Airport by email to For all other areas, permission should be sought from the local Immigration Officer located at the local Garda Sรญochรกna District Headquarters Station. To find out where your District Headquarters Station is, contact your local Garda Station (
Where it is not possible to seek approval in advance of arrival in the State, the onus is on the operator of the vessel/aircraft to first route through an approved port.
*For the purposes of Section 6(1), a non-national is any person other than an Irish or British National.
A non-national who lands in the State in contravention of Section 6(1) of the Immigration Act 2004 shall be deemed to be a non-national who has been refused a permission and shall be guilty of an offence.