Updates and Announcements

Important Information for Ukrainian nationals

June 4th, 2024|

From the 05 June 2024, temporary measures which allowed Ukrainian nationals to travel to Ireland without a valid biometric passport will cease to be in effect. In accordance with section 4 of the Irish Immigration Act 2004, all third country nationals, including Ukrainians, who are travelling to Ireland must be in possession of a valid passport. [...]

Attention eligible spouses and partners of General Employment Permit and Intra-Corporate Transferee Irish Employment Permit holders

May 15th, 2024|

The Ministers for Justice and Enterprise, Trade and Employment have announced that eligible spouses and partners of General Employment Permit and Intra-Corporate Transferee Irish Employment Permit holders, who have applied for, and have been granted family reunification, in accordance with the Non-EEA Family Reunification Policy, will now be registered on a Stamp 1G permission, rather than [...]

Upcoming Citizenship Ceremony – June 2024

May 7th, 2024|

The next ceremonies are taking place on Monday 10th June and Tuesday 11th June at the INEC Killarney. Further ceremonies are taking place on Thursday 20th June and Friday 21st June 2024 at The Convention Centre Dublin. Please do not contact us in this regard as we are not in a position to confirm invitation [...]

English Language Students Stamp 2 Bridging Permission 2024 Update

April 25th, 2024|

ISD announces bridging permission for English Language course students who have successfully completed a 2nd or 3rd course and subsequently enrolled in a Higher Education Programme commencing by end of October 2024. The bridging permission will be a short term Stamp 2 permission granted until 30th September 2024, from the date of expiry of their current [...]

Update to eligibility requirements for Stamp 4 upgrades

April 3rd, 2024|

On 15 November 2023, Immigration Delivery Service (ISD) placed a web notice regarding the cessation of the provision of Stamp 4 support letters by the Department of Enterprise, Trade, and Employment. The web notice is here: Notice regarding Stamp 4 support letters. Eligibility for a Stamp 4 upgrade has been under review by ISD since the [...]

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